
公開日 2023年02月27日(Mon)



edit by 大西&藤田





Q1. What Japanese food do you like?

     A. Recently I tried  Horse Meat Sashimi(馬刺し).

Q2. What do you like about anime・manga culture?

     A. A liitle bit. My favorite anime is JoJo(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)

Q3. What sport do you like?

    A.My favorite sport is badminton and I like to watch basketball.

Q4. What Japanese tradition do you like?

    A. I want to see a Japanese festival. For example yabusame.

Q5. Which do you like, the mountain or the sea?

    A.I like the sea because I like swimming.

Q6.What do you doing holiday?

   A. I traveled to a new place.I went to Kumamoto this weekend.

Q7.What did you study in college?

    A. I studied physics.

Q8.What type of woman do you like?

 A.I like tall.both cute and beautiful.

Q9. If you go to McDonald’s when what do you order?

 A. I usually order two small spicy chicken burgers and french fries. sometimes I order milkshake.

Q10. What did you do for club activities in high school?

 A.I belonged to track and field club.  I did sprints.

Q11. What kind of breakfast do you have?

 A.Cooked eggs and oatmeal.

Q12. If you could compare yourself to an animal,what would it be?

    A.Capybara because I want to sit in an onsen all day.

Q13. What weather do you like?

    A.I like sunny. Because I can exercise and go out.

Q14.How long do you plan to stay in japan?

    A.A year and a half from now.

Q15.Do you have any connection with Japan?

    A.No.I didn’t know any people in Japan. But,I love teaching.

